11 Sep – 13 Sep 2024  | 
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Show Info
Start-Up Park
Start-Up Podium® Programme
Start-Up Podium® Profiles

Start-Up Podium® Programme

Time Programme
10.00 - 11.00am
11.00 - 11.15am
Setting the Pace
11.15 - 12.00pm
In Conversation: - Revolutionizing Healthcare: Achieving the 3Es and 3As - Efficiency, Effectiveness , Equity, Affordability, Accessibility, and Availability
Moderator: Veronica Chew, Country Head, Indonesia, Mirxes
Proud Patanavanich, Innovation Division Director, MedPark Hospital, THAILAND
Alok Mishra, M. Pharm, MBA, CEO Value Addition Adjunct Associate Professor DukeNUS Medical School, Former VP Strategic Capabilities, J&J Medical Asia Pacific, Board of Directors, HSA Singapore Business Coach, ASB in Collaboration with MIT Sloan
12.00 – 12.20pm
Briefing of the start-up challenges
12.30 – 1.45pm
Lunch Break
1.45 – 2.15pm
In the Spotlight: Navigating Medical Device Cybersecurity Across Borders: Streamlining EU, US and Japan security requirement
Speaker: Ferenc Kazinczi Global Head of Medical Software TCC, Lead Auditor, Product Expert
2.15 – 2.45pm
In Conversation: Edge Computing in Telemedicine:
2.45 – 3.30pm
In Conversation: Healthcare AI Ethics and Bias Mitigation
3.30 – 4.15pm
In Spotlight: Voice Assistants and Natural Language Processing in Healthcare
Speaker: Amit Jindal, Co-founder @ Rootally AI
4.15 – 5.00pm
In the Spotlight: Healthcare Cybersecurity Incident Response Planning
5.00pm onwards
Time Programme
10.00 - 11.00am
11.00 - 12.15pm
Challenge 1 - Pitch Perfect: Each contestant must deliver a 3-minute pitch to a panel of judges made up of successful entrepreneurs and investors. The panel will select the top half pitches, and the contestants with the lowest half scores will be at risk of removal unless the audience supports them.
Rena Dharmawan, Assistant Dean & Asst Professor (Innovation Education & Ecosystem Development), Duke-NUS Medical School
Dr Pauline Erica Tay, Director, National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC), Consortium for Clinical Research & Innovation Singapore (CRIS)
12.15 - 12.45pm
In Conversation: Digital Therapeutics and Prescription Digital Health
Moderator: Muthu Singaram
Dr.Pakaratee, CEO of HealthcaRe Tele-delivery Services (HeaRTS), Faculty of Physical Therapy, Mahidol University, THAILAND
Louis D. Payet, Chief Executive Officer, Peach Health Asia
Yoann Sapanel, Head of Health Innovation at WisDM, the Institute for Digital Medicine at the NUS School of Medicine
Dr Nattharee Judee, MD, General Manager, Heals healthcare
12.45 – 1.30pm
Lunch Break
1.30 - 2.15pm
Challenge 2 - Marketing Plan: Each contestant must deliver a 5-minute marketing plan to a panel of judges made up of successful entrepreneurs and investors. The panel will select the top half pitches, and the contestants with the lowest half scores will be at risk of removal unless the audience supports them.
Veronica Chew, Country Head, Indonesia, Mirxes
Jeff Lin, Partner, iGlobe Partners
Dr Pauline Erica Tay, Director, National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC), Consortium for Clinical Research & Innovation Singapore (CRIS)
2.15 – 2.45pm
In the spotlight:
Singapore Health Technologies Consortium (HealthTEC.SG)
2.45 – 3.15pm
In Conversation: Remote Healthcare - segmenting and enhancing hospital at home care
Moderator: Muthu Singaram
Panel: Kow Ping Co‐founder and executive director of Well Being Digital
3.15 – 3.45pm
In the Spotlight: Remote Surgical Training and Simulation
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Cdr. Sorayouth Chumnanvej, MD,Ph.D, Deputy Head of the Department of Surgery, Surgical Innovation and Knowledge Management Division, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, THAILAND
3.45 – 4.30pm
In Conversation: Ethical Considerations in Health Tech Innovation
Moderator: Jeff Lin, Partner, iGlobe Partners,
Panel: Sze Yunn Pang, CEO, Neurowyzr
4.30 – 5.00pm
In Conversation: Healthcare in the Metaverse
Moderator:- Prathistha Jain
Panel: Krit Sangvichien, CEO, Iflowtech Pte. Ltd.
5.00pm onwards
Time Programme
10.00 - 11.00am
11.00 - 12.15pm
Challenge 3 - Investment Plan: Each contestant must deliver a 7-minute investment plan to a panel of judges made up of successful entrepreneurs and investors. The panel will select the top team.
11.45 – 12.30pm
In Conversation:
With Singapore Health Technologies Consortium (HealthTEC.SG)
12.15 – 1.00pm
In the spotlight: MDR transitional period extension
Speaker: Ferenc Kazinczi Global Head of Medical Software TCC, Lead Auditor, Product Expert
1.00pm onwards

*Programme is subject to change.

Start-Up Park
Start-Up Podium® Programme
Start-Up Podium® Profiles